Important: ads commercials can be created only by the administrator of the website. If users want to have ads campaigns assigned to their content they can contact our team and we will provide more details 건물부수기 이누야샤 다운로드.
After the administrator of the website has assigned a campaign to channels (shows) or videos, the will start playing on the channel or video pages immediately 경력증명서 양식 다운로드.
In this page we have exemplified different types of ads that can be published on the channels:
Pre-Roll ad
The pre roll ad is displayed when the user lands into the channel/video Download the Beatles.
In the picture below, you can see an example of a pre-roll add in the video player:
Note: The pre-roll banner will be displayed according to the settings made by the administrator of the website 탈린 매뉴얼 다운로드. It can be displayed once per session, once per session per channel or once at a time interval set by the admin. Pre-roll ads can only be .flv type.
Middle Roll Ad
Middle roll add is displayed during channel/video playback Download Alder Drama. It can be displayed on the bottom of the player or full screen.
In the picture below, you can see an example of a middle-roll add in the video player:
Note: Middle-roll ads can be: .flv, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .swf types 지렁이 다운로드.
Post Roll ad
The post roll ad is displayed at the end of the broadcast/video into the player Superbunnyman for free.
In the picture below, you can see an example of a post-roll add in the video player:
Note: Post-roll ads can only be .flv type Download Adobe Flash.
Important: ads are displayed only on Flash Player on web browsers. Ads are not available on mobile devices KakaoTV.