WordPress categories

Posts can be inserted in different categories. As a WordPress user you have the option to create different categories in which you add the posts Gemcraft. Readers can browse for specific categories to see all posts in the category.

Click on Categories link, under Posts menu:



This is how the Categories page looks like and we will explain each option:

iptv network wordpress category

1 Download adobe photoshop cs5. Type the name of the category.

2. Type the slug/URL of the category.

3. Click on the drop down list to choose a parent category for the one you are adding pcl. Categories can be hierarchical.

4. Insert a description of the category. It may or may not appear on the website, depending on the theme you have selected 와콤 타블렛 드라이버 다운로드.

5. Click this button to add a new category.

6. Click on the drop down list to choose an action to be applied to the selected categories 자극전장 다운로드.

7. Click here to apply the selected action.

8. Check the box to select all categories.

9 osx iso 다운로드. In this column you can see the name of the category.

10. Here you can see the descriptions of the category.

11 Word 2010. Here you can see the slug of the category.

12. In this column you can see the number of posts in each category.

13 Dr. Jean. Here you can see the number of categories you have already created.