In My Feeds page, users can see a list of all the channels they are following.
When the user is following a channel, he will receive email notifications when:
- an event is scheduled on the channel
- a broadcast starts on the channel
- a video ended recording from a broadcast done on the channel
Once the page opens you can see a list of the channels you are following:
1 opencl sdk. Click here to filter the followed channels list by: newest to oldest, oldest to newest, ascendent or descendent mode.
2. Here you can see the name of the channel you are following 과일 사진 다운로드. Click on it and you will be redirected to channel page.
3. Here you can see the username of the channel owner. Click on it and you will be redirected to user’s profile page free Christmas card.
4. Here you can see the date since you have been following the channel.
5. Click here to stop following the channel movie Aladdin.