Manage Ads

Broadcasters have the possibility in create their own ads campaigns and enable or disable ads playback on their channels and videos.

Logged in your account dashboard, click on Manage Ads link, under My Account section:



On Manage Ads page, users can customize their settings for advertisements:


1 Leap Gothic typeface. Click here to enable or disable the ads campaigns.

2. Select from the drop-down menu Yume ads provider.

Note: in order to add Yume ads on your content, users need to have a Yume account 원피스 80 권 다운로드.

3. Insert here the Yume server domain

4. Insert here the domain ID.

5. Insert here the Yume Pub Channel name sap gui 730.

6. Check the boxes to select the type of ads you want displayed on your videos: pre-roll, mid-roll or post-roll add.

7 Storm of Civilization 6 Flocking. Check the box to enable pre-roll ads on live streaming channels.

8. Select if you want to enable or disable Yume ads display on Roku 우리말 샘 사전 다운로드.